
Development of Light-Activated CRISPR Using Guide RNAs with Photocleavable Protectors
P. K. Jain, V. Ramanan, A. G. Schepers, N. S. Dalvie, A. Panda, H. E. Fleming, S. N. Bhatia
Angew Chem Int Ed. (2016)
Manuscript + Supporting information (PDF)

Virtual Undergraduate Research Experiences: More Than a Pandemic Stopgap
T. Samad, H.E. Fleming, S.N. Bhatia
Med (2021)
Manuscript (PDF)

Heterogeneous integration through electrokinetic migration
Mihrimah Ozkan; Ozkan, Cengiz S.; Kibar, O.; Wang, M.M.; Sangeeta N Bhatia; S. Esener
IEEE (2001)
Manuscript (PDF)

Electrokinetic Assembly of Microsphere and Cellular Arrays
Mihrimah Ozkan; S. Esener; Sangeeta N Bhatia
Materials Research Society Symposia (2001)
Manuscript (PDF)
Compatibility of Primary Hepatocytes with Oxidized Nanoporous Silicon
Chin, V.; Collins, B. E.; Sailor, M. J.; Sangeeta N Bhatia
Advanced Materials (2001)
Manuscript (PDF)
Advances in bioartificial liver devices
Allen, J W; Hassanein, T; Sangeeta N Bhatia
Hepatology (2001)
Manuscript (PDF)
Effects of morphological patterning on endothelial cell migration
Li, S; Sangeeta N Bhatia; Hu, Y L; Shiu, Y T; Li, Y S; Usami, S; Chien, S
Biorheology (2001)
Manuscript (PDF)
Xenobiotic metabolism by cultured primary porcine hepatocytes
Behnia, K; Sangeeta N Bhatia; Jastromb, N; Balis, U; Sullivan, S; Yarmush, M; Toner, M
Tissue Eng (2000)
Manuscript (PDF)
Tissue Engineering at the Micro-Scale
Sangeeta N Bhatia; Chen, Christopher S.
Biomedical Microdevices (1999)
Manuscript (PDF)
Effect of cell-cell interactions in preservation of cellular phenotype: cocultivation of hepatocytes and nonparenchymal cells
Sangeeta N Bhatia; Balis, U J; Yarmush, M L; Toner, M
FASEB J (1999)
Manuscript (PDF)
Prenatal detection and mapping of a distal 8p deletion associated with congenital heart disease
Sangeeta N Bhatia; Suri, V; Bundy, A; Krauss, C M
Prenat Diagn (1999)
Manuscript (PDF)
Oxygen consumption characteristics of porcine hepatocytes
Balis, U J; Behnia, K; Dwarakanath, B; Sangeeta N Bhatia; Sullivan, S J; Yarmush, M L; Toner, M
Metab Eng (1999)
Manuscript (PDF)
Numerical model of fluid flow and oxygen transport in a radial-flow microchannel containing hepatocytes.
Ledezma, G A; Folch, A; Sangeeta N Bhatia; Balis, U J; Yarmush, M L; Toner, M
J Biomech Eng (1999)
Manuscript (PDF)
Engineered substrates for controlling cell-cell interactions
Sangeeta N Bhatia; Yarmush, M L; Toner, M
ASME (1997)
Manuscript (PDF)
Controlling cell interactions by micropatterning in co-cultures: hepatocytes and 3T3 fibroblasts
Sangeeta N Bhatia; Yarmush, M L; Toner, M
J Biomed Mater Res (1997)
Manuscript (PDF)
Zonal liver cell heterogeneity: effects of oxygen on metabolic functions of hepatocytes
Sangeeta N Bhatia; Toner, M; Foy, BD; Rotem, A; Tompkins, RG; Yarmush, ML
J Cell Eng (1996)
Manuscript (PDF)
Selective Adhesion of Hepatocytes on Patterned Surfaces
Bhatia, SN; Toner, M; Tompkins, RG; Yarmush, ML
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (1994)
Manuscript (PDF)